Archive Jun. 2013


Glimpses-The Exhibition

Events, exhibition, inspiration, screenprint | Comments Off on Glimpses-The Exhibition

“I think about the colour, use of line, light, texture and composition.” It was fabulous to work with Clare Law and Sophy White on this show. The feed back from you all was wonderful and I made new connections and friends. We were open 10-4pm daily as part of the Open Studios Cornwall and it […]


Open Studios Cornwall-Preparation

Events, News, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Open Studios Cornwall-Preparation

When you arrive at a show do you think about all that has gone by to arrive at that place? The hours of drawing, creating and experimenting. I’m afraid I don’t! I just enjoy that moment. I have then and there with each piece of work as I view it. I think about the colour, […]


Plymouth College of Art Sessions

In the Studio, screenprint | Comments Off on Plymouth College of Art Sessions

All part of my continuing residency, which I am incredibly grateful for and highly recommend. I have spent many happy hours in the print room. Dying, printing and experimenting with layers. Little samples to test how the screens build up over one another and I’m really pleased with the results. I have experimented with foils […]